What Burglary Methods Burglars Use to Break into Houses ?

Burglars breaking into houses is a concerning issue that many homeowners face. Understanding the burglary methods burglars use to gain entry into homes is crucial for enhancing security measures and safeguarding your property. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the various ways burglars break into houses, shedding light on their tactics and providing valuable insights on how to prevent such intrusions.

How Do Burglars Break into Houses?

Burglars employ a variety of techniques to break into homes, often exploiting vulnerabilities in security systems or taking advantage of common oversights by homeowners. Here are some common burglary methods :

Burglar breaking into house

Unsecured Entry Points

Burglars often target homes with easily accessible entry points such as unlocked doors or windows. They look for opportunities where they can quickly enter a property without drawing attention. This method is particularly common during daylight hours when homeowners are away at work or school.

Forced Entry

Using tools like crowbars, screwdrivers, or even rocks, burglars may force their way into a home by breaking locks, hinges, or windows. This method is more common in vacant properties or during times when homeowners are away. Forced entry can cause significant damage to a home, leaving homeowners with costly repairs in addition to stolen property.

Lock Picking

Experienced burglars may use lock picking tools to manipulate locks and gain entry without causing any visible damage. This method requires skill and is often employed by more sophisticated intruders. While lock picking tools are not easily accessible to the general public, burglars may acquire them through illicit means or by modifying everyday items.

Key Cloning

In some cases, burglars may obtain copies of keys through various means, allowing them to enter a home without any signs of forced entry. This method is particularly concerning as it can be difficult to detect. Burglars may steal keys from purses, jackets, or other personal belongings left unattended. They may also create copies of keys left in visible locations, such as under doormats or in flower pots.


Burglars may use deception tactics such as posing as service providers or delivery personnel to gain access to a home. This method relies on tricking homeowners into allowing them entry willingly. Burglars may also use this method to gather information about a home’s layout, security measures, and daily routines.

Window Entry

Windows left open or with weak locks are prime targets for burglars. They may pry open windows or remove screens to gain entry into a home quietly and quickly. Basement windows, in particular, are often targeted due to their lower visibility and easier access.

Garage Entry

Garages with weak security measures can provide easy access to a home. Burglars may exploit garage doors or windows to enter a property undetected. Once inside, they can access the home through interior doors, often left unlocked by homeowners.

Alarm System Tampering

Sophisticated burglars may attempt to disable or tamper with alarm systems to prevent them from triggering during a break-in. This method allows them to operate without fear of detection. Some burglars may use specialized tools to cut alarm wires or disable the system entirely.

Social Engineering

Burglars may gather information about homeowners through social media or other sources to plan their break-ins strategically. Understanding the importance of privacy and security online is crucial in preventing such incidents. Burglars may use publicly available information to determine when homeowners are away on vacation or at work, leaving their homes vulnerable to theft.

Preventing Burglaries

To protect your home from burglaries, consider implementing the following security measures:

Secure Entry Points Always lock doors and windows, and consider installing security bars or reinforcements for added protection. This includes securing sliding doors with additional locks or bars to prevent forced entry.
Install a Security System Invest in a reliable alarm system with monitoring services to deter burglars and alert authorities in case of a break-in. Consider installing motion sensors, glass break detectors, and door and window sensors to enhance your home’s security. If you are in South Florida, you can trust SOS locksmith for installation of an efficient security system in your house as counter to common burglary methods used.
Outdoor Lighting Illuminate your property with motion-activated lights to deter burglars and make it harder for them to approach unnoticed. Consider installing lights with timers or motion sensors to create the illusion of occupancy when you’re away from home.
Neighborhood Watch


Join or establish a neighborhood watch program to enhance community security and keep an eye out for suspicious activities. This can include sharing information about recent burglaries, discussing security measures, and reporting suspicious activities to local authorities.
Secure Valuables Store valuables in a safe or hidden location to prevent easy access for burglars. This includes jewelry, electronics, and important documents.
Home Automation Use smart home technology to control lights, locks, and security cameras remotely, enhancing your home’s security. This can include setting lights to turn on and off at specific times, locking doors remotely, and monitoring security cameras from your smartphone.
Maintain Your Property Keep your yard well-maintained to eliminate hiding spots for burglars and make your home less appealing as a target. This includes trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, and removing clutter from your yard.
Invest in Durable Doors and Locks Consider upgrading to solid core doors and high-quality locks to enhance your home’s security. This can include deadbolts, smart locks, and keyless entry systems.
Use Deterrents Place security signs and stickers around your property to deter burglars. This can include signs for alarm systems, neighborhood watch programs, and security cameras.
Educate Your Family Teach your family about the importance of home security and the risks of burglary. This can include discussing common entry methods, security measures, and emergency procedures in case of a break-in.

Burglary methods

Secure Your Home By Following Strategies to Prevent Burglaries

In conclusion, understanding how burglars break into houses is essential for implementing effective security measures to protect your home and loved ones. By being aware of common burglary methods burglars use to enter into your house and taking proactive steps to secure your property, you can significantly reduce the risk of burglary. 

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to home security, so invest in robust security systems and stay vigilant to keep burglars at bay. Stay safe and secure!