5 Worst Places to Hide Your Valuables

Securing your valuables is a paramount concern for anyone who treasures their possessions. You might have heard the adage, “hide in plain sight,” but when it comes to safeguarding your most cherished items, this isn’t always the wisest approach. In this article, we’ll explore the five worst places to hide your valuables, shedding light on common misconceptions and providing alternative, more secure options for protecting your belongings.

I. Under the Mattress

When it comes to hiding valuables, one of the most clichéd spots is under the mattress. It’s a place we’ve all seen in movies, but it’s also one of the worst choices you can make.

Risks Associated with Hiding Valuables Under the Mattress

Firstly, it’s predictable. Burglars and thieves are well aware of this classic hiding spot. When they enter a room, the first place they often check is under the mattress.

Secondly, it’s not foolproof. If someone does break into your home, they can quickly flip the mattress to uncover your hidden treasures. It’s an easy and speedy process for a potential intruder.

Thirdly, it’s vulnerable to natural disasters. If there’s a fire or flood, your valuables under the mattress will likely be destroyed or damaged.


Alternatives for securing cash and small items

Instead of tucking your cash or small items under the mattress, consider investing in a home safe. A good quality safe can be bolted to the floor or wall, making it extremely challenging for burglars to access. You can also explore diversion safes, which mimic everyday items like books or cans but have hidden compartments for your valuables.


II. Jewelry Boxes

Jewelry boxes may seem like a logical place to keep your valuable accessories, but they pose more risks than you might think.

Why Jewelry Boxes Are A Risky Option?

Firstly, they are often left in plain view. Placing your jewelry box on your dresser or vanity makes it an easy target for burglars. They can grab it and run, leaving you devastated.

Secondly, they are typically lightweight and easy to carry. If a thief gains access to your home, your jewelry box won’t pose much of a challenge.

Lastly, they lack security features. Most jewelry boxes don’t have locks, leaving your precious gems and metals vulnerable.

Suggestions For Safer Jewelry Storage

Instead of using a traditional jewelry box, consider a hidden jewelry organizer that can be mounted inside a closet or behind a mirror. These organizers are discrete and come with secure locking mechanisms. Additionally, you might want to invest in a home security system that includes motion detectors and alarms, providing an added layer of protection.


III. Freezers and Refrigerators

The kitchen is the last place you’d expect to hide valuables, but some people resort to using freezers and refrigerators for this purpose.

Why It’s A Terrible Hiding Spot?

While it may seem counterintuitive, burglars are not strangers to this tactic. They know that homeowners sometimes use kitchen appliances as hiding places, which makes these spots predictable.

Moreover, hiding items in the freezer or fridge doesn’t protect them from damage caused by power outages or natural disasters. Imagine losing important documents or cash due to a sudden freezer malfunction.

Safer Alternatives For Storing Important Documents

For important documents, consider a fireproof and waterproof safe. These safes can withstand both fire and water damage, ensuring the safety of your vital records. Additionally, storing copies of essential documents in a secure location outside your home, such as a bank safety deposit box, can provide added peace of mind.


IV. Dresser Drawers

Dresser drawers are another seemingly convenient place to hide valuables, but they come with their own set of problems.

The Risks Of Hiding Valuables In Drawers

Firstly, drawers can be easily pried open or removed altogether by a determined thief. They offer minimal security against someone who is determined to access your valuables.

Secondly, they are typically the first place burglars look when rummaging through a bedroom. Thus, using dresser drawers as hiding spots is predictable and easily discoverable.

Recommendations For Better Storage Solutions

To secure your valuables in your bedroom, consider investing in a locking wardrobe or a bedroom safe. These options provide superior security compared to dresser drawers and are less likely to be targeted by burglars.


V. Bathroom Cabinets

Bathroom cabinets are an unusual choice for hiding valuables, but some people resort to them out of convenience.

The Problems With Bathroom Cabinet Hiding

Firstly, bathrooms are among the smallest rooms in a house, making it easier for burglars to quickly locate your valuables if they enter your home.

Secondly, the humidity and moisture present in bathrooms can damage your valuables over time. Precious metals and delicate items like watches or important documents are not suited for such an environment.


Recommendations For More Effective Hiding Places

Instead of the bathroom cabinet, opt for more discreet and secure storage options. Consider a small home safe that can be bolted to the floor or wall, or explore hidden compartments designed to blend seamlessly into your home decor.

Protecting What Matters Most – Safeguard Your Valuables with Smart Choices


In conclusion, the five worst places to hide your valuables are under the mattress, in jewelry boxes, in freezers or refrigerators, in dresser drawers, and in bathroom cabinets. These spots are predictable, easily accessible, and often pose risks like damage from natural disasters or environmental factors.


To protect your cherished possessions effectively, invest in secure storage options such as home safes, hidden organizers, locking wardrobes, and diversion safes. By making smart choices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can safeguard your valuables and enjoy greater peace of mind.